Monday, January 24, 2011

We're BAAAA----AAAAck!!!

Ahem...Well, I lost my blog. Probably more appropriately, I lost my mind. But the blog got lost in the process. But I found it today. So, I guess maybe my mind might be on the way as well? Anyway, I have been thinking that I have so many friends and loved ones who have are not around so close anymore, I want to do more with my blog to keep up. It has been a difficult year, with many challenges and things to learn. But as always there are highlights and blessings, which I would like to do better at focusing upon. So, I intend to do that in my blog! How about that!
I have been working at ideas of things we can do better at doing together. So, in the midst of winter, my best idea was this: last week we helped MaeMae make her first snowman. The snow seemed good in the morning, but by late afternoon when D was ready to help us, it had become crusty and powdery. It was quite a task trying to get it to stick at all! So we made more of a "blob" looking thing than really a "man," even though we did add eyes, mouth, arms, and a colorful hat! It was fun and the three of us really did enjoy that and the hot cocoa that followed! Yea for the simple things!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are blogging again. I love your beautiful, whimsical, hopeful outlook on life. It makes me feel happy...even when I'm not. And what beautiful pictures you take! :) Love you!
