Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well, With all of the rain, and rain, and RAIN we've had, I have wondered if it would ever turn "SUMMER." Maybe summer is just different this year....
Things are busy, busy, busy these days. With baseball, girls camp, scout camp, and Relief Society, I feel like I am just getting farther and farther behind! I have set a goal to at least do one FUN thing with the kids each week. Last week we went to the local pool and spent a few hours. Even though it was quite busy, we had a great time! Nattie was unhappy about other people splashing on her, but once she discovered she could splash herself, she loved that! She kept saying "Spashy! Spashy!" We then spent the weekend watching Dev play baseball. We love watching him! Tonight his sis has a special surprize for him: she bought tickets for the premier of Harry Potter and is taking him to the midnight showing! I love to see them doing things together. It is amazing to think that she is graduating next year. I wonder where the time has gone....

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, we finally did it! After about 15 years of Cam asking if we could go to Disneyland, we took our family on a true family vacation to Disneyland! It was sooooo fun. We spent 2 days driving each way to break it up, and spent 5 days at the Disneyland and California Parks. It was so nice to be away and have the time just to focus on each other. Pat and Cammy enjoyed the thrill rides together, while Dev Nattie and Mom enjoyed some of the others. It was such a great time to chat and really know and love each other. One of our trips highlights was the character breakfast buffet we had at Goofy's Kitchen. The food was amazing and there were characters walking around to all of the tables. We also loved the Soarin' Over California ride and the nighttime fireworks over Sleeping Beauty's Castle. Another favorite was the Indiana Jones ride, and the Pirates of the Carribean. We also loved the Pineapple Whip we got near the Tikki Room. The kids loved it so much, they wanted to save up and go again in the fall!!
Coming back to reality, we found that life is running faster than ever. Baseball season is beginning and Pat is coaching Deven's team this year. I think that it will be a great thing for them to really share this experience together. We are excited to see the games, and are hoping for a warmer spring this year. Cammy decided to cut her hair. She looks amazing! It is so hard to believe that in just one more year we'll be going to college! Nattie is really trying to talk. She says a few words consistently, and will try a lot of words. I can't believe she's 2 in the fall! I am so thankful for the wonderful family that I have been blessed with. Even with the challenges, LIFE IS GOOD!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Happened To February?!

Well, February always goes quickly, thank goodness. It is not one of my more favorite months...by now I am too ready for spring, and know that it's still a ways off here! The highlights were celebrating a 40th and a 17th Birthday. But Valentine's Day was pretty darn good, I must say. My husband actually planned ahead and got me a "Mani-pedi" from the salon I go to. He also bought a cute card and took me to dinner at Ruby Tuesday. We did have a 1 hour and 20 minute wait, but it was ok because we went to the grocery store and then spent the rest of the time talking. It was a very nice time.
I have spent the last few days thinking about family and friends and what really means the most. Pat's sweet Grandma passed away last week and this has caused me to reflect a bit. Her life was such an example of what's most important. She focused upon family 1st, and then those dear people in her ward. She lived a simple life, not worrying about extravagant conveniences(like an electric clothes dryer or range---those things she only relented to after much cooersion from her children!). They wouldn't allow a TV in their home at all, until someone "thoughtfully" gave them one. This she kept a respectable period of time, and then gave it away. She also spent much time in service to others, as a RS leader, Primary and YW leaders, as well as serving for MANY years in the family history center---Again spending her time on what matters most. She spent what "free" time she had on reading good books as well as her personal scripture study. She also loved to cook, and especially loved to share what she had made with those who would really love it! I truly love her and am so thankful for her love and example, for the life she lead, and the love she so freely gave to me.
I am so thankful that we have the blessing of our families. What a strength and example you all are to me. Thank you----Love you!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Well, I came home from errands last week to find the most pleasant surprise. While I had been with Cammy getting some school supplies, Deven had been at home babysitting Nattie. When we got home, I saw that he had cleaned the entire kitchen, including cleaning and organizing the pantry! I asked him what made him think to do this, and he replied, "I was bored and just wanted to do something useful." I think that these are some of the good things that we get blessed with on a daily basis as "tender mercies." I am so thankful for them!
PS--the next day after school, he ran into the house and wanted to know if I had "messed up" the pantry while he'd been gone!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New to blogging...

Well, here I go. I thought that this would not be something I would try. But after looking at my sisters' and cousins blogs, and enjoying them, I decided that maybe my long distance family and friends would enjoy ours as well.
Things are busy-fun these days with Cammy enjoying YW and friends outside of her schoolwork. She is taking pottery for a change this semester and is excited about that. Deven is enjoying YM-especially the basketball. He is also preparing to sing a solo for the "Solo & Ensemble Festival" which is coming up in March or April. I am excited that he is willing to try to do this, especially since he has not sung a solo in public before! Nattie is growing and changing so rapidly it amazes me. She is trying to talk a little, saying "juice" and "peeese." She has a little "cheese-face" when she says please that is so funny--squinting her eyes up and crinkling her nose. Her personality is really starting to show! She also likes to play in her kitchen and mimic things that she sees all of us doing--watch out!
Pat is busy (as always) with work. I am fractically trying to figure out how to be "RSP" (Pat's pet name for me as the Relief Society Pres) and mom and wife all at the same time. The most important thing I am trying to do is to enjoy my family, especially my kids since it seems that they grow and change right before my eyes! It is hard to remember to enjoy the moment---even the journey sometimes. It is easy to fixate on this or that struggle and forget the FUN! I want to focus on the FUN instead....a new goal I guess!