Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I don't know how it happened. I remember yesterday (figuratively) when she wanted to dress up like "Odette" and take care of her babies. I remember when her daddy would come home from work and she'd say, "Daddy, dance with me." He would pick her up and waltz around; she'd look at him with "won-ton" eyes, and then say, "(sigh) Now we're married." I remember the day before she was to have pictures taken, and she fell out of the stroller face first. Come to think of it, far too often she bunged her face up just before it was picture day! I remember how excited she was the day she got her two-wheeled bike at Grammy DD's house. I remember attending many dance performances (especially at Lagoon), piano recitals, choir concerts, and even a couple of plays when she performed, and feeling so proud and thrilled that she was mine! She was the best on stage! I remember when she finally got a baby sister; she was SO thrilled. She held and loved and cherished her, just as she had done with her little dolls. I remember her first date to the Prom! She was so incredibly beautiful...not little anymore. Now, look what had happened. She will graduate this year and start college. COLLEGE! I don't know how it happened so fast. But it has been a beautiful journey. Sometimes a bit of a roller coaster, but more of the fun and less of the scary parts. What a blessing! What a joy! What a gift she is to our family, but especially to me. I just can't believe it has gone so fast...