Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Happened To February?!

Well, February always goes quickly, thank goodness. It is not one of my more favorite now I am too ready for spring, and know that it's still a ways off here! The highlights were celebrating a 40th and a 17th Birthday. But Valentine's Day was pretty darn good, I must say. My husband actually planned ahead and got me a "Mani-pedi" from the salon I go to. He also bought a cute card and took me to dinner at Ruby Tuesday. We did have a 1 hour and 20 minute wait, but it was ok because we went to the grocery store and then spent the rest of the time talking. It was a very nice time.
I have spent the last few days thinking about family and friends and what really means the most. Pat's sweet Grandma passed away last week and this has caused me to reflect a bit. Her life was such an example of what's most important. She focused upon family 1st, and then those dear people in her ward. She lived a simple life, not worrying about extravagant conveniences(like an electric clothes dryer or range---those things she only relented to after much cooersion from her children!). They wouldn't allow a TV in their home at all, until someone "thoughtfully" gave them one. This she kept a respectable period of time, and then gave it away. She also spent much time in service to others, as a RS leader, Primary and YW leaders, as well as serving for MANY years in the family history center---Again spending her time on what matters most. She spent what "free" time she had on reading good books as well as her personal scripture study. She also loved to cook, and especially loved to share what she had made with those who would really love it! I truly love her and am so thankful for her love and example, for the life she lead, and the love she so freely gave to me.
I am so thankful that we have the blessing of our families. What a strength and example you all are to me. Thank you----Love you!